Activating / Deactivating Objects on based on Cursor Position

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  • #3722 Répondre

    I’d like to have a linear cursor traverse a straight line on an x-axis and at various points have circles activated and deactivated on the z-axis.

    How do I do that?

    #3723 Répondre

    Put in other words: is there a way to control whether or not a curve is active based on the position of a cursor on a different curve? I presume this is doable using a script, no?

    #3724 Répondre

    I presume it might read as follows:

    function alterateWithScript() {
    if(cursor_xpos> 1)
    run(« setactive 4 0 »);

    Any edits on the fly must exist in the alternateWithScript() function, correct?


    #3726 Répondre
    Maître des clés


    Hmmm, not sure it is possible with scripts because scripts are executed one time at the score loading. It’s more a question of retroactivity (direct://) and message scripting (using {}). On your cursor, set the following message (dble-click) :
    direct:// setActive 4 {(cursor_xPos > 1)?(0):(1)}

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