Multiple messages in OSC bundles

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  • #2277 Répondre
    Maître des clés


    First of all, great work on this excellent tool!

    I was wondering if it is possible to send multiple OSC messages in a single bundle. For example, instead of a single message like this:

    /cursor cursor_id cursor_value_x cursor_value_y cursor_xPos cursor_yPos cursor_zPos

    I would love to receive a single bundle containing these messages:

    /cursor/cursor_id/value/x cursor_value_x
    /cursor/cursor_id/value/y cursor_value_y
    /cursor/cursor_id/position/x cursor_xPos
    /cursor/cursor_id/position/y cursor_yPos
    /cursor/cursor_id/position/z cursor_zPos

    with the cursor_id part of the address replaced by the actual cursor id. This way, everything has a name and I don’t have to remember what each element of the list is.

    Is this possible in IanniX currently, and if not, would you consider this a feature request?

    Thanks in advance.

    John MacCallum

    #2831 Répondre


    Haha, you want to make some TUIO, isn’t it?

    Well, it is not really possible with the current version. You can bundle messages (see Network Messages), but you will not be able to do these specific bundles.

    We had some requests about this feature ; we really want to be compatible with TUIO for example, and more generally to be fully compatible with all OSC possibilities. It is in our ToDo list, but I think it is not before the end of the year…

    Thanks for using IanniX!

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