New Additive Synthesizer with Iannix software

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  • Ce sujet contient 1 réponse, 1 participant et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Ale H.H., le il y a 7 années et 3 mois.
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  • #4126 Répondre
    Ale H.H.

    Hello, Iannix team! I´ve come to ask you if you´d be interested in making a new physical additive synthesizer thats compatible with IanniX software, that focuses on graphical scores and drawing sound, with the option to 3d print your scores in metal or colored plastic as a bonus. the synth would be kind of like the UPIC but smaller and with today´s technology, I imagine a touch screen or projection and if you wanted mouse and keyboard as well, you could use it. You could draw microtonal, 12 TET or any tempered system or continual music with these oscillators.
    We could sell the synth are pick up funds to continue with the free Iannix software. For the funds I could pitch in money or it would be better, start a kickstarter campaign for the synth! we could pitch the idea at arturia as well, I have a buddy of mine who works there and he would pitch the idea.
    The synth would support picotonality, and would be multiparametric to any amount of voices you wanted depending on the synth{s I hope powerful capabilities. One voice would have these parameters to name a few or as much as possible: pitch, a radical morphing timbre, intensity, panning, reverb, frequency filters (eq), distortion, chorus, flanger, wah, compression, exiter, enhancer, phaser,to make ANY kind of sound or possible score. this is basically it.
    Thank you so much in advance and I hope to hear back from you and I hope you could consider it! Thank you!

    #4136 Répondre
    Ale H.H.

    what i mean is that we could both collaborate to make the kickstarter campaign and the synth… are you interested?!

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