Rewriting message in Script

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  • #3790 Répondre

    Hi Iannix team, thankyou for creating Iannix !! It is very unique indeed…

    I need to rewrite some messages for a whole bunch of cursors.

    I am trying to do it in the script, at the top… Is it the right place for the code? It doesn’t seem to actually change the Cursors’ message.

    for ( var i=20; i<40; i++) {
    	run('setmessage '+i+' 20, '+'osc://ip_out:port_out/cursor'+i+' cursor_value_x cursor_value_y');
       console('setmessage '+i+' 20, '+'osc://ip_out:port_out/cursor'+i+' cursor_value_x cursor_value_y');
    #3792 Répondre

    I discovered that such scripting needs to happen last, in the alteratewithcode() function.

    #3794 Répondre
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