Script to Iannix window clues

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  • Ce sujet contient 1 réponse, 2 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par IanniX, le il y a 10 années.
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  • #3432 Répondre

    I do not understand how to modify the script in the scipt window starting from a curve in Iannix window. As soon as I try to save it, it goes back to the preceding version. Is it possible to develop going back and forth from editor to script and from script to editor ?

    #3433 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    Yes it is! You HAVE to write your code only in authorized sections (makeWithScript() => called before score creation and alterateWithScript() => called after score generation).

    All the curves / actions / etc. made through GUI are stored in madeThroughGUI(), so you can’t edit them with script editor ; you have to use alterateWithScript.

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