Send Iannix Frequency

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  • Ce sujet contient 2 réponses, 2 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Pándinus, le il y a 8 années et 5 mois.
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  • #3759 Répondre

    Hello, is there a way to send the information of Iannix´s curves by frequency to pure data, to send frequency´s value information to pure data. On pure data I want frequency values to go to the oscillator and I want those values to be the frequency values that the Iannix curve is sending, so there would have to be a link of frequency between iannix and pure data or a traduction of osc to frequency and then link to the oscillator in pure data, many thanks!
    128 values (C-2 to G8)are sent from 0 to 1 (osc), but I want continuum resolution, the max amount of frequency between those numbers, and that frequency to be played on the pure data oscillator according to the way the iannix curve is moving.

    #3761 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    Hi! If you want a continuum, you can’t use MIDI. MIDI is designed for notes and weak continuums (128 values). You have to use OpenSoundControl with udpreceive object. You have one example in IanniX patches folder.

    #3817 Répondre

    Thank you.

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