deleting objects / collision curve / high crash risks

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  • Ce sujet contient 1 réponse, 2 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Anonyme, le il y a 13 années et 9 mois.
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  • #2157 Répondre

    after testing the program a bit, I found some bugs:
    I am running Iannix on a Mac OSX 10.5.8


      someone else allready reported the undo function, which doesnt work quite well / and has a high crashing risk.


      deleting curves/cursors/triggers works well when i start the program. But after some more new objects have been added, deleting becomes quite problematic, double id’s / the curve stays on the screen / etc.


      like the example ‘Xenakis Metastaseis Linear’ , I use one cursor which collides with multiple curves. the problem is that it somehow has a max of 2 curves… (maybe this also has to do with the delete-problem…)

    hope this helps 🙂

    #2466 Répondre

    Hi Charlie,

    1. YES, it will be fixed in a few days.
    2. like 1., we have problems, it may be the same problem.
    3. hmmm, ok, I’ll take a look at this bug. Don’t forget that curve collision is in beta-test for us 🙂 So it might be buggy.


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