Re: Mac OS X compatibility

Home Forums Bugs Mac OS X compatibility Re: Mac OS X compatibility


…related? I think you might be teasing us with an understatement :–) It sure does look related. A comparison of your crash dump with that QT bug report crash dump is more like twins than kissing cousins. Both crashes occur very early in the app startup sequence. I mean, when you can see the entry to main() less than a dozen stack frames before the crash, you *know* the app is still cranking its engine when it dies. Plus, they both croak from that Unicode call (well, you got one more stack frame before death than did this other event, but that might just be a difference in QT versions and some kind of function re-factoring QT might have done).

It’s looking to me like this issue results from a combination of a particular hardware configuration and OSX 10.6, based on the problem-free experience I’ve had with Snow Leopard. Just what is your hardware? Mine is a first generation Macbook with RAM maxed out.

Have you applied all CMOS patches to your hardware? You might want to ensure you’re totally up to date with system patches.


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