Error sending MIDI message.

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #2220 Reply

    RtMidiOut::sendMessage: error sending MIDI message.
    Win7. I cant get sound at all. I try with Max. First launch simple midi example preset i can control iannix speed on Max, but is no sound. Then i saw that error and next attempts to control anything on Max were failed. So i see this report now and reinstalls doesnt help.
    ok i read about MIDI Yoke and install it. Ok -same result. In sent messages window MIDI Yoke outputs available, but same error. How can i choose midi output for iannix? Well i would see manual for stupids, tnx 😎

    #2709 Reply


    I also have troubles with Windows+MIDI+MidiYoke. I solve it with LoopBe (

    The error should still be present (because Windows is not able to create virtual drivers) but it should work. Have also a look at this thread : .

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