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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #2204 Reply

    i’m playing with some curves from spirograph equations and i have this strange (to me)
    behaviour (please see attached figures).
    What is curious to me is that the cursor seems to follow the right way, i.e. like if the curve
    was right.
    Also note that the curve has near 2000 points.
    Other, more simple, curves are almost perfect.

    And a second question:
    when i create a curve the starting point is always at center (default at 0,0). If i use set Position
    all the curve is move with center at this position (and i think this is right).
    How can i make a starting point on the curve and not at center?

    Thank You,

    #2652 Reply

    and this is original curve …


    #2653 Reply


    Everything you say is normal… but these are bugs or missing features:

      – long curves (with > 500 points) are not rendered correctly (but the cursor position is correct), this is due to rendering optimizations I made, I will correct that soon (we plan a release next month);

      – there are no way to differentiate the position of a curve of its first point. But many users ask me for changing the curve position without changing the first point. I’ll look at this feature for next release.

    Thanks for your feedback 🙂

    PS : I’m also happy to see someone using IanniX on Linux!

    #2654 Reply

    Thank You,
    for Your quick reply and for Your work (about IanniX, i mean …).
    It’s nice to see the cursor going in the right way a part from the curve!
    Unluckily although i’m a linux (Ubuntu) user, i’m not so expert to help in
    some way… maybe one day, who knows (only a few months in linux and not a programmer).
    In the meantime i will wait for next release (and releases).

    Thank You,

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