
Home Forums Scripts Collision_value_z

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  • #4176 Reply
    H.H. Alejandro

    Hello! Im using the 3d now for curves and Im using the z dimension to control parameters in pd, its just that that value indicates its 0, but when i looked at the cursor messages i saw that i needed collision_value_z – z mapped coordinate of the collision between the cursor and the curve, but I cant type it in or it doesnt exist? what do i do? thanks!

    #4179 Reply
    H.H. Alejandro

    If I write in the message box in the value after collision_value_y – y mapped coordinate of the collision between the cursor and the curve, “collision value_z” (which is the only thing that lets me write) and clic “ok”, the audio immediately stops working (the sine wave oscillator)

    #4180 Reply
    H.H. Alejandro

    I mean if the sinewave oscillator was following a curve going up on the Y dimension, the sine wave oscillator stops following the curve and just “sits” still on one note.

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