Installation walk through for Ableton

Home Forums Making things with IanniX Installation walk through for Ableton

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #2196 Reply

    I am also having trouble getting Iannix to work in Ableton. Could somebody please create a walk through on installation in Ableton.
    I have read the forums, watched some you tube videos and followed the ” small tutorial @ Max for live .com but still no luck.

    I have noticed that in the Iannix download folder in patches>ableton live midi > 2. live setup.png
    that there is Iannix midi ports which do not show up on my system???

    How do I achieve this?

    Where should the Iannix folder reside.
    Can anyone help?


    #2639 Reply

    @Crohab wrote:

    …I have noticed that in the Iannix download folder in patches>ableton live midi > 2. live setup.pngthat there is Iannix midi ports which do not show up on my system??? How do I achieve this?

    I don’t have M4L, but I wondered about the same thing. I hope one of the M4L users will jump in here to enlighten us.


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