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  • #2271 Reply

    what if I want an object to be created at a specific time ?
    I’ve tried to put this command :
    direct:// {(global_time>2)?(“add trigger 10″):”suppress”}

    but it seems iannix tries to add a trigger every 20ms when global time has pass 2 sec. and I just want it to do it once.

    In fact, another way that could be ok for me, is an object that remain still and invisible from 0 to 2 sec, and then start to act. but i have no idea how to do this.
    Any help appreciated…

    #2820 Reply

    Yeah, it is true.

    If you set this message “direct:// {(global_time>2)?(“add trigger 10″):”suppress”} “, after 2sec of playback, it will add a trigger each 20ms.

    Two possibilities :
    1/ you can put a cursor/curve/trigger system, with a trigger that is fired by the cursor after 2sec (a straight line, going from x=0 to x=3sec for example, with a cursor at normal speed and a trigger on the path of the cursor at x=2sec). You set the message “direct:// add trigger 10” on this trigger.

    2/ Or, as you say, you disable the object at the beginning (uncheck active in the inspector). Then, set a message like “direct:// {(global_time>2)?(“setActive 10 1″):”suppress”} ” (setActive <0 to disable, 1 to enable>).

    Hop this can help!

    #2819 Reply

    Hi guillaume,

    thanks for answering. Your first possibilitie is perfect for what I want to do !
    Gonna try this !

    Thanks !

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