Running IanniX without GUI

Home Forums Wanted! Running IanniX without GUI

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by nesa.
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  • #4121 Reply

    Hello again,

    last time my message to truncated exactly at the point I was saying how great IanniX is. So (once again) thanks for your great work!

    I’ve been using it to run the score for an interactive audiovisual installation made in max/jitter. It works like a charm!

    For the installation version, I was wondering if it would be possible to run IanniX without GUI or if this is impossible, maybe lower the FPS at which the GUI is rendered.

    I’m a bit of a developer myself so if you could point me where to look I’m willing to try hacking this myself(and if it works nice, I’d make a pull request of course).

    cheers, and once again thanks for the great work!

    #4122 Reply


    If you have medias (video, sound, photo) of your work with iannix, you can share with us!
    To lower FPS only, you can type the desired FPS in the box in lower-right corner (type 1fps). It will only affect the GUI, not the sent messages.

    Thanks for your feedback!

    #4123 Reply


    thanks for the tip, that’s fantastic! I thought that field is for global message sending rate, so I even pumped it up a bit:)

    I will definitely post the info about the work I did, at the moment I’m still in the process of collecting&arranging documentation.


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